"Those Lazy ~ Hazy ~ Crazy Days of Summer" are waning.
Hmmm…I can’t believe it’s Labour Day weekend and the “unofficial” end of summer!
Even though it isn’t really over, everyone’s thoughts are turning to fall. The signs have been sneaking in around us for awhile – back to school sales, fall decorations, and most important college football ! Here are some of the looks that I'm loving...

I’m however not completely ready to throw in the proverbial (pool-beach) towel quite yet. I’m still hearing the lyrics from “Porgy & Bess” winding through my head…”Summertime and the living is easy”. It’s still hazy, hot & humid here in Texas. A/C & ceiling fans aside, we are still looking for ways to stay cool, keep it simple and enjoy a more relaxed pace.

In my professional life, the same mantra is resonating ~ it's all about down-sizing, de-cluttering, simplifying. It’s all about quality not quantity. My design projects are all trending toward cleaner lines and simpler colour palettes.

I think we are all looking for a less complicated life and a home that reflects our style but in a more curated, edited version. We want to spend time doing more important things. Let’s eke out the last and best that is summer while looking forward to what fall has in store for us ~ but let’s keep the spirit of the halcyon (love that word) days of summer last all year long!!!

So that being said Happy Labour Day to all. Enjoy your family and friends for a safe, fun filled weekend, oh and ….Roll Tide!!!!